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A Comparison of Business Entities
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The selection of the most advantageous form of organization for any
particular business involves weighing many practical and legal considerations.
The most important distinctions among the available forms of business
enterprise include the cost and formality of organization, transferability
of ownership interests, continuity of existence of the enterprise, vesting
of management and control, ability to obtain capital and credit, method
of participation in profits, and vulnerability to liability. A final important
consideration, which can frequently be controlling, is taxation of the
Colorado recognizes most typical forms of business enterprise and has
adopted the Uniform Partnership Law, the Uniform Limited Partnership Act,
the Colorado Uniform Limited Partnership Act of 1981, the Colorado Limited
Liability Company Act, the Revised Model Business Corporation Act, with
some local modifications, and the Colorado Cooperative Act. For a small
business, the available forms of business enterprise include the individual
or sole proprietorship, the general partnership, the limited partnership,
the limited liability company, the business corporation, and the cooperative.
Each of these forms of business enterprise is adaptable to the small business
venture, and it is important to compare them in terms of the various considerations
discussed herein.
1. Individual or Sole Proprietorship.
The sole proprietorship is a simple and the most common form of business
enterprise. The distinguishing characteristic of a sole proprietorship
is that it is owned and managed by one person. The individual proprietor
owns all business assets and carries on the business for himself. The
individual proprietor may hire employees and agents to assist him, but
he has ultimate responsibility and authority for all decisions affecting
the business. Generally, no legal formalities are necessary to create
an enterprise in this form. The sole proprietor is entitled to all of
the profits and, broadly speaking, can enter and exit from the business
as he pleases.
2. General Partnership. This is a
sharing of profits and co-ownership in a business. A partnership is
an association of two or more persons to carry on, as co-owners a business,
for profit.1 A partnership is created by
agreement, either oral or written, and the relations of the partners
are largely governed by that agreement and by the Uniform Partnership
Act as adopted by Colorado. The partnership agreement may be informal,
although a formal contract is preferable. The partners must agree to
share in the profits of the business and usually also agree to share
in the losses and in the assets upon dissolution. For many purposes,
a partnership is not considered a separate legal entity distinct from
the partners, although this is not always a disadvantage (e.g., qualification
is not necessary to do business in other states). Today, a partnership
is recognized for some purposes as a separate entity; it may own real
property in its own name2 and may be sued
in the names of the individuals doing business as a partnership, in
the firm name, or both.
A partner is a "co owner" with his partners of specific partnership
property "holding as a tenant in partnership."3
Under the Uniform Partnership Law, all property originally brought into
the partnership or subsequently acquired, by purchase or otherwise,
on account of the partnership is partnership property and, unless there
is a contrary intention, property acquired with partnership funds is
partnership property.4 The partners may
provide in their agreement that title to partnership property may remain
in one partner. Generally, property purchased by a partner in his own
name after the organization of the partnership is not partnership property
unless so provided by the partnership agreement or unless there is a
clear intention that it is to be partnership property.
Apart from the rights, duties, and liabilities of the partners arising
from the partnership agreement, a fiduciary relationship also exists
between partners as a matter of law, and each is bound to act in the
utmost good faith in all dealings and transactions that affect the others
in the partnership business. The Uniform Partnership Act provides that
the partnership must indemnify every partner with respect to payments
made and personal liabilities reasonably incurred by him in the ordinary
and proper conduct of the business or for the preservation of the partnership
business or property.5
The fact that the relationship is a fiduciary one does not bar a partner
from dealing with the firm as an individual. However, a partner cannot
engage in a business in competition with that of the partnership without
the consent of his partners.
Finally, it is important to note that, as a partner, each member of
the firm is personally liable for the debts and other liabilities of
the business. This is clearly a disadvantage of this business form.
3. Limited Partnership. A limited
partnership is similar to the general partnership in some ways, and
similar to a corporation in others. This is a partnership in which,
by complying with certain statutory requirements, one or more of the
partners has only limited liability and, only limited participation
in management. The primary purpose of the limited partnership is to
allow one or more individuals to invest in the partnership without incurring
the unlimited liability of a general partner. It is a form of enterprise
that is fairly common today in certain businesses (e.g., investment
and entertainment businesses, farming, and real estate ventures).
The Colorado Limited Partnership Act of 1981 governs the formation and
operation of limited partnerships. This Act became effective in Colorado
on November 1, 1981. One significant feature of the limited partnership
is that it has certain quasi public characteristics, which pose some
additional problems and may operate as a trap for the unwary.
Each limited partnership must have at least one general partner who
will face all the risks and responsibilities of a partner in a general
partnership. The limited partners receive the protection of limited
liability unless this favored status is lost by participation in the
management of partnership affairs.
4. Limited Liability Company. Colorado
became the third state to authorize the creation of a limited liability
company. The limited liability company, like Subchapter S corporations
and limited partnerships, combines the favorable tax treatment of partnerships
with the liability of corporations. Limited liability companies can
be more flexible than these more traditional entities, although the
case law and statutory interpretation has yet to develop, and the precedent
for support of certain action in limited liability companies is negligible.
The limited liability company avoids the restrictive requirements of
share ownership in a corporation, and permits the flexibility for special
allocations and distributions of cash and other assets to its members
in a manner similar to that of a limited partnership.
It is formed like a corporation, by filing Articles of Organization
with the Secretary of State, but the internal operations of the limited
liability company are generally governed by an Operating Agreement,
similar to a partnership agreement in a partnership and by-laws in a
The owners of a limited liability company are called members. Members
have certain statutory voting rights, including the right to vote for
managers of the company7 and the right to
approve or disapprove of transfers of interests by other members.8
New members may be admitted only with the unanimous written consent
of all existing members.9
Limited liability companies are managed by one or more managers who
are elected annually by a vote of the members.10
Managers are analogous to directors and officers in a corporation and
partners in a partnership. The managers are limited in their authority
to act for the limited liability company only by the Operating Agreement
and the manager's fiduciary duties to the company.
The interests of a member in the profits and capital of the limited
liability company may be transferred in accordance with the Operating
Agreement. However, unless the transfer is approved by all of the members
of the limited liability company, the transferee of such an interest
has no right to participate in the management of the business or to
become a member.
Dissolution of a limited liability company occurs automatically upon
the unanimous written consent of its members or at the time or upon
occurrence of events specified in writing in an operation agreement.11
The business of a limited liability company may be continued if there
are at least two remaining members and if all of the remaining members
so agree.
The members of a limited liability company have limited liability,
as in a corporation. All income from a limited liability company is
taxed to the individual members, as in a partnership, under federal
and state tax laws.
5. Business Corporation. A corporation
is an artificial person or legal entity created by, or under, the laws
of a state or of the United States. It may be owned by one or more shareholders
who themselves may be natural or legal persons. It is regarded, in law,
as having a personality and existence distinct from that of its several
members. It can acquire, hold, and convey property; sue and be sued
in its own name; and generally do all things in a legal sense that a
natural person may do.
The shareholders' rights are determined by the corporation's charter
and the applicable statutes. The "shareholders" of a non profit
corporation are called "members. " While the shareholders
are the owners of the corporation, they are not agents for it (unless
they are also officers or employees). Unless shareholders are officers,
directors, or controlling shareholders in certain situations involving
a duty of loyalty to the corporation, they do not owe a fiduciary duty
to the corporation.
The Colorado Business Corporation Act12
became effective on July 1, 1994. As a creature of statute, a corporation
cannot do business in states other than the one that created it without
first qualifying, and it is not entitled to the "privileges and
immunities" of a citizen under Article IV, Section 2, of the U.S.
Constitution. It is a citizen for purposes of "diversity of citizenship"
when seeking to invoke the jurisdiction of the federal courts.
A business corporation is subject to greater governmental regulation,
and the statutory formalities respecting the formation and operation
of corporations must be strictly observed. For a small business these
may be nuisance factors that must be considered in determining the appropriate
form of business organization.
6. Cooperative. Cooperatives handle
all kinds of commodities and there are many different types of cooperatives
doing business. For example, there are cooperatives that sell groceries,
cooperatives that sell electricity, and some that provide telephone
service. An agricultural cooperative is a business organization, usually
incorporated, owned and controlled by member agricultural producers,
which operates for the mutual benefit of its members or stockholders,
as producers or patrons. Many cooperatives do not limit themselves to
doing business with only members or agricultural producers.
In a cooperative the investment and benefits gained are shared equitably
by its members in proportion to their use of the cooperative's services.
In other words, members share in the profits of a cooperative, usually
on a patronage basis of business done with the cooperative. Members
are generally not liable for any debt, obligation , or liability of
the cooperative.
Unlike a traditional corporation, monies paid or equities allocated
on a patronage basis to members are generally not taxed at the corporate
level. Members pay income taxes on monies that they receive or equities
that are allocated by the cooperative. Qualified allocations of equity
to a member is accompanied by a payment of at least 20% in cash, to
help the recipient pay income taxes, and many cooperatives pay at least
40% to 50% in cash. The payment of the non-cash portion of profits,
in the form of equities allocated to members, is deferred until a later
date and is retained by the cooperative and used to capitalize the cooperative.
Payment of deferred equity is made pursuant to an equity retirement
program and policies by the board of directors of the cooperative.
Cooperative do business with non-members. Profits generated from non-member
business are not paid or allocated to members and income from non-member
business stays with the cooperative and is taxed at normal corporate
A cooperative is democratically controlled, often one member one vote,
by its members. Proxy and cumulative voting is seldom allowed. In the
case of an agricultural cooperative, the members are producers of agricultural
products. Others that share in the profits of an agricultural cooperative
are often referred to as "participating patrons." The primary
distinctions is that members have the right to vote on various issues
while participating patrons do not. The result is that the control of
an agricultural cooperative remains in the hands of agricultural producers
by their vote, including the right to cast a vote for the election of
board members to a board of directors.
Both members and participating patrons usually pay a fee to either
become a member or participating patron. With some cooperative the fee
may be as little as tend dollars ($10.00) or hundreds of thousands of
1. Sole Proprietorship or Partnership.
If the organizer of the business decides to operate as a sole proprietorship,
or if the organizers decide to operate as a partnership, there are no
state or local taxes to be paid for the privilege of thus organizing
the business. The sole proprietorship or partnership must comply with
the applicable tax and license laws, but there are, at present, no taxes
or fees for organizing an unincorporated business other than a $6.00
fee for filing with the Department of Revenue and a $10.00 filing fee
and a very nominal publication cost, which is incurred under the "Assumed
Name" statutes.
2. Limited Partnership. Persons desiring
to form a limited partnership are required to pay a fee of $50.00 when
filing the certificate of limited partnership with the Colorado Secretary
of State. Additional fees must be paid when filing any amendment thereto.
3. Fees for Formation of a Limited Liability
Company. Persons desiring to form a limited liability company
in Colorado are required to pay a fee of $50.00 for filing the Articles
of Organization with the Secretary of State. Thereafter, a report must
be filed annually with an annual fee.
4. Incorporation Fees for Colorado Corporations.
Persons desiring to incorporate a Colorado business are required
to pay a fee of $50.00 for filing the Articles of Incorporation with
the Secretary of State and for the issuance of a certificate of incorporation.
Biennially thereafter, a corporate report, including a $25.00 fee if
filing in paper or $10.00 fee if filing online, must be filed.
5. Incorporation Fees for Colorado Cooperatives.
Persons desiring to incorporate a Colorado cooperative a required
to pay a fee of $50.00 for filing the Articles of Incorporation with
the Secretary of State and for the issuance of a certificate of incorporation.
Thereafter, a copy of the cooperative's most recent periodic report
must be filed with an annual fee.
All of the above fees are subject to change on an annual basis in July
of each year.
There is less publicity required of sole proprietorships and partnerships
than of limited liability companies, corporations and cooperatives, as
the latter have to make reports and filings with governmental bodies.
On the other hand, there is often an anonymity attached to the names of
the owners of a corporation that may not exist for the owners of the other
forms unless an assumed name is used.
A limited partnership must file a certificate with the Colorado Secretary
of State, and this results in the disclosure of all the partners' names.
Sole proprietorships and partnerships conducting business under a name
other than that of the principal(s) must also file an affidavit disclosing
such name(s) with the county in which business will be carried on.13
1. Individual or Sole Proprietorship. With
very few exceptions, the sole proprietorship terminates by law upon
the death of the proprietor. The owner of the business may will his
business to relatives or to an employee, but there is no assurance of
continuity of the business after death. If the owner manages the business
and there are no relatives or associates willing to continue it, the
business will most likely be liquidated. The estate planning documents
for the sole proprietor should grant authority to his personal representatives
permitting them to continue the business as necessary until it may be
conveniently and profitably liquidated, and to employ persons to assist
in liquidation. There are no restrictions on the sole proprietor in
the sale of such a business aside from the "bulk sales" requirements
of the Uniform Commercial Code.
2. General Partnership. As with the
sole proprietorship, the general rule of partnership law is that the
death or withdrawal of a partner or the expiration of the term provided
in the partnership agreement dissolves the partnership, and the affairs
of the partnership are to be wound up unless the partnership agreement
provides otherwise.14 However, the contingencies
of death or withdrawal can be dealt with in the partnership agreement,
although, of course, care must be taken in drafting precise provisions
for the continuation of the partnership.
Dissolution of a partnership can result from a variety of causes. As
the relationship is created by agreement, a specific date for termination
of the business specified in the agreement will control. Similarly,
a contingent event, such as the business sustaining operating losses
for four consecutive months, will cause dissolution. Moreover, since
a partnership is a "voluntary association," any partner who
no longer desires to be associated with the firm may withdraw, and thereby
cause dissolution.15
If the agreement provides that the partnership would continue for
a specified term, the withdrawal may result in liability to the other
partners for breach of the agreement, but the partnership is nevertheless
dissolved. Dissolution may also be required by operation of law if the
partner ceases to be associated with the firm because of death or if
he becomes bankrupt.16 Also, dissolutions
may be decreed by a court whenever any partner becomes insane or incapable
of furthering the partnership business, or conducts himself in a manner
so that it is impractical to carry on the business with him; or in any
other case, that renders dissolution equitable under the circumstances.17
Dissolution, as a general rule, requires winding up and termination
of the business with the subsequent liquidation of the firm's major
assets. The Uniform Partnership Act makes two major exceptions to this
rule: the business may be continued by the remaining partners if the
dissolution was "wrongful," or if their original agreement
so provided.
3. Limited Partnership. The role of
a general partner in a limited partnership differs from a partner's
role in a general partnership in that there is not a technical dissolution
of the partnership when a general partner withdraws, retires, dies,
or becomes bankrupt, so long as at least one general partner remains
in the limited partnership. If there is at least one remaining general
partner and the certificate of limited partnership permits the business
to carry on with the remaining general partner, the partnership retains
its continuity of existence. Also, a limited partnership is not required
to be wound up by reason of withdrawal of its general partners if, within
ninety (90) days after the withdrawal, all partners agree in writing
to continue the business of the limited partnership and to appoint one
or more additional general partners if necessary.18
The role of a limited partner in a limited partnership differs from
the role of a general partner. The limited partner, as a passive investor,
is like a shareholder of the corporation, and his withdrawal for whatever
reason should not affect the continuation of the business. Consequently,
the limited partners may completely withdraw or be substituted without
affecting the continuity of the enterprise.
4. Limited Liability Company. Dissolution
of a limited liability company occurs upon the unanimous written consent
of its members or at the time or upon occurrence of events specified
in writing in an operation agreement.19
A member of a limited liability company may resign at any time by giving
written notice to the other members, but if the resignation violates
the Operating Agreement, the limited liability company may recover damages
from the resigning member for breach of the Operating Agreement, and
may offset the damages against amounts otherwise distributable to the
Dissolution may also be caused involuntarily by a decree of the district
court through an action filed by the attorney general if the limited
liability company has procured its Articles of Organization through
fraud, has abused the authority conferred upon it by law, or has failed
to properly change or maintain a registered agent.21
5. Business Corporation. The corporation
is the most suitable form if continuity of business and transferability
of ownership are desired. The Articles of Incorporation of business
corporations can provide for perpetual existence, and, consequently,
the corporation continues without interruption on the death or withdrawal
(i.e., transfer of shares) of shareholders or officers and directors.
The corporation itself is not divided among heirs on the death of a
shareholder but continues in existence with only the ownership of the
shares being affected. This, of course, is a leading attribute of the
corporate form and generally makes it easier for a corporation than
other forms of business to maintain growth, acquire public identification
and goodwill, and attract employees.
However, as a practical matter, this attribute can be almost valueless.
A small, close corporation may nevertheless disintegrate on the death
of its prime mover, as it is succession of capable management and not
perpetuity of the form that is essential to success. Further, the perpetual
existence of a corporation can be a disadvantage to a minority shareholder
who is "locked in" and not able to bring about dissolution
of the corporation. He may not be able to find a market for his shares
or may be restricted by agreement in the transfer of his shares.
The transferability of all or some of a shareholder's shares, without
the need for approval by the other shareholders, is one of the principal
advantages of the corporate form. However, as in a limited liability
company, this advantage can be illusory, for there will probably be
no ready market for the shares of a closely held corporation. Moreover,
such ease of transferability may often be unfavorable to a client who
wishes to maintain complete control over his business and does not wish
to take the chance of conducting his business with strangers to whom
stock may be transferred. This problem can generally be solved with
a buy sell agreement.
Dissolution of a corporation may occur for abuse of the corporate form
or by agreement of the aggregate membership.22
6. Cooperative. Dissolution of a
cooperative may occur voluntarily in the following manner:23
1. The board, by a two-thirds majority vote of the members, shall first
adopt a resolution recommending dissolution;24
2. The board shall submit the resolution adopted to the members; 3.
Finally the proposal to dissolve shall be approved by a two-thirds majority
vote of the members.
However, a cooperative may revoke its dissolution within one hundred
twenty days after the effective date of the dissolution in the same
manner as the dissolution was authorized.25
Dissolution of a cooperative may also occur involuntarily through administrative
or judicial dissolution. For administrative dissolution, the secretary
of state may commence a proceeding if the cooperative does not pay any
taxes, fees or penalties imposed when they are due, it does not deliver
its periodic report to the secretary of state when it is due, it is
without a registered agent or registered office in the state, it does
not give notice to the secretary of state that its registered agent
or registered office has been changed, that its registered agent has
resigned or that its registered office has been discontinued, or the
cooperative's period of duration stated in its articles has expired.26
Judicial dissolution may occur in one of the following three ways:
1.The attorney general may bring a proceeding before the court if it
is established that the cooperative obtained its organization through
fraud, or it has exceeded or abused the authority conferred upon it
by law; 2. Not less than ten percent (10%) of the members of the cooperative
may bring a proceeding before the court if it is established that the
directors are deadlocked in the management of the cooperative's affairs,
the members are unable to break the deadlock, and irreparable injury
to the cooperative is threatened or suffered, or the business and affairs
of the cooperative can no longer be conducted to the advantage of the
members generally, the directors or those in control of the cooperative
have acted, are acting, or will act in a manner that is illegal, oppressive,
or fraudulent, or the members are deadlocked in voting power and have
failed for a period that includes at least two consecutive annual meeting
dates, to elect successors to directors whose terms have expired or
would have expired upon the election of their successors; or 3. A creditor
may bring a proceeding before the court if it is established that the
creditor's claim has been reduced to judgment, the execution on the
judgment has been returned unsatisfied, and the cooperative is insolvent
or the cooperative is insolvent and the cooperative has admitted in
writing that a creditor's claim is due and owing.27
1. Individual or Sole Proprietorship.
Since an individual proprietor owns his business directly, his ownership
interest may be transferred by a sale of the business assets. In this
respect, the sole proprietorship is freely transferable. But as a practical
matter, the sale of sole ownership of a complete business is certainly
more cumbersome than the sale of shares in a corporation. The sale of
a sole proprietorship involves consideration of the bulk sales law,
found in Article 6 of the Uniform Commercial Code28
and presently repealed, and the preparation of various closing documents,
such as deeds and bills of sale.
2. General Partnership. The ownership
interest of a general partner receives unusual treatment under the Uniform
Partnership Act. Generally, the Act distinguishes the specific tangible
assets of the partnership from the partner's interest, or equity, in
them.29 The specific assets themselves,
such as buildings, equipment, and furniture, are held in a form of property
ownership called "tenancy in partnership," which has some
hybrid characteristics between joint tenancy with the right of survivorship
and entity ownership by the firm.30 Under
tenancy in partnership, partners are said to be co owners, but they
may not sell or use the firm property without the consent of the other
partners.31 Individual creditors cannot
apply their claims against a partner to firm assets, and the partner's
heirs have no interest in the specific assets upon death.32
Surviving partners are vested with the deceased partner's ownership
interests in the specific assets.33
The partner's interest in the firm is an intangible interest that includes
his proportionate equity in the specific assets and his proportionate
share of the liabilities.34 This intangible
interest, or beneficial right to partnership profit and assets, may
be assigned or transferred freely and may be reached by creditors.35
However, while an assignee of a partnership interest becomes a beneficiary
of that interest, he does not become a partner unless all the other
partners have so agreed.36
The transferability characteristics of the partnership should be considered
a disadvantage. A single partner cannot transfer specific assets, nor
can he transfer an undivided interest in those assets to an outside
person, since the assets are held in tenancy in partnership. While the
partner's interest in the firm is theoretically transferable, it is
a very unmarketable commodity insofar as the assignee does not become
a partner, has no right to management and control, and would simply
be entitled to receive whatever profits the interest would accrue and
a proportionate share of assets upon dissolution.
3. Limited Partnership. Unless otherwise
provided in the partnership agreement, the ownership interests of the
limited partners are freely transferable. The limited partnership agreement
should specifically provide for free admission,37
substitution,38 and withdrawal of limited
partners, and once so provided, a limited partner may substitute other
investors for himself, or withdraw from the partnership and receive
a return of his contribution. A substitution of limited partners, by
agreement or by consent, requires an amendment to the certificate of
limited partnership to reflect the change.39
In this respect, while the limited partner's interest may be said to
be freely transferable, the procedure to reflect that change in the
filed documents is somewhat cumbersome.
4. Limited Liability Company. The
interest of a member in the profits and capital of a limited liability
company may be transferred in accordance with the provisions in the
Operating Agreement.40 However, unless
the transfer is approved by all of the members of the limited liability
company, the transferee of such an interest has no right to participate
in the management of the business and affairs of the limited liability
company or to become a member.41 For example,
if all of the members do not consent to a proposed transfer, the transferee
will not have the right to vote for managers of the company, consent
to this admission of a new member, or consent to the transfer of another
member's interest in the limited liability company.
The ownership interests in a limited liability company are treated,
therefore, very much like ownership interests in a general partnership.
5. Business Corporation. Shareholders'
interests in the corporation are evidenced by share certificates, which
are usually freely transferable. The only corporate formality that must
be observed in the transfer of share certificates is the recording of
the transfer on the corporate books. The corporation thus permits the
greatest flexibility in the transfer of ownership interest. It may be
desirable to restrict the transfer of share ownership under certain
circumstances, particularly for a close corporation (one with a small
number of shareholders).
6. Cooperative. A cooperative shall
impose restrictions on the transfer of voting common stock or membership
in the cooperative in its bylaws.42 The
bylaws of the cooperative shall prohibit the transfer of the voting
common stock or membership in the cooperative to persons not eligible
to be a member of the cooperative, and, if the cooperative issues certificates
of common stock or of membership, the restrictions must be printed upon
every certificate of stock or certificate of membership subject to restrictions.43
The cooperative may also impose restrictions in its article, and may
impose restrictions of the transfer of other equity investments in the
cooperative in its articles, bylaws or by resolution of its board.44
1. Individual or Sole Proprietorship.
The sole proprietorship business is merely an extension of the personal
life of the individual proprietor and, consequently, he is individually
responsible for all business debts. This unlimited liability may be
circumvented to some extent by insurance, but it is impractical to insure
against every, conceivable business hazard. It is further possible,
although unlikely, to provide by agreement with creditors that any liability
on certain contracts will be limited to business assets rather than
personal assets. For the most part, individual proprietors are advised
to expect full and unlimited personal liability.
2. General Partnership. General partners
are individually and fully responsible for their business liabilities
and losses. If the assets of the partnership are inadequate to satisfy
partnership creditors, the personal assets of the individual partners
may be reached to satisfy these obligations. In one sense, the partnership
offers an advantage over sole proprietorships since liabilities are
apportioned to the partners pro rata, and no one person is required
to bear the full responsibility. On the other hand, since each partner
has the capacity to bind the partnership, the potential risk of liability
is significantly increased over the sole proprietor who is alone responsible
for the obligations he incurs. Insurance and partnership agreement clauses
may reduce this risk to the partners in some cases. Further, there is
a rule called "marshaling of assets," which requires that
firm creditors must look first to firm property for satisfaction of
their obligations and only if the partnership assets are inadequate
may they pursue the individual assets of the partners.45
A partnership is obligated to indemnify a partner who has paid expenses
or incurred liability in the ordinary course of partnership business.
This specific authority for indemnification should be further amplified
in the agreement. The liability of a withdrawing partner or an incoming
partner is subject to different rules.46
3. Limited Partnership. Limited partnerships
offer limited liability to limited partners. The liability of the limited
partner is generally restricted to the amount of his investment as stated
in the certificate of limited partnership. The limited liability of
the limited partner may be lost if he holds himself out to be a general
partner, or participates in the management of the firm.47
A limited partner's name may not be used in the firm name48
and he may not exercise control over partnership affairs.49
4. Limited Liability Company. Members
and managers of a limited liability company are not liable under judgments,
decrees, orders of court, or in any other manner for a debt, obligation,
or liability of the limited liability company.50
A member of a limited liability company is personally liable to the
company to perform any enforceable promise to contribute cash or property
or to perform services for the limited liability company, unless the
obligation to make such contributions is waived by consent of all of
the members or unless the Operating Agreement provides otherwise.51
If the members waive the obligation to make additional contributions,
the member's obligation may be enforced by a creditor who has extended
credit to the limited liability company in reliance on the member's
obligation to make the contribution.52
A member is also liable to restore distributions made to that member
while the limited liability company's liabilities exceeded its assets,
and this liability extends for six years after a prohibited distribution
is made.53
Like corporations, limited liability companies may be subject to the
doctrine of "piercing the corporate veil" if appropriate formalities
of the company are not maintained or the company is used merely as an
"alter ego" of its members.
5. Business Corporation. Shareholders'
liability is limited in the business corporation. This characteristic
is the most attractive feature of the corporation. A properly formed
corporation that observes statutory formalities and is properly capitalized
will shield the shareholder from any personal responsibility for corporate
obligations. The failure to observe these formalities and to maintain
adequate capital may result in the personal liability of the shareholder
under the doctrine of "piercing the corporate veil."
However, even if a corporation utilizes the proper corporate form,
limited liability may not be achieved since a bank or other lender may
require the principal shareholder of a small corporation to guarantee
the loans and debts of the corporation. Also, lessors may require personal
guarantees on leases to small corporations. In such cases, the advantage
of the limited liability of a shareholder is of no more than theoretical
6. Cooperatives. Membership or stockholder
liability is limited in a cooperative. No member shall be liable directly
or indirectly, including by way of indemnification, contribution or
otherwise, under a judgment, decree, or order of a court, or in any
other manner, for a debt, obligation, or liability of or chargeable
to the cooperative while it is incorporated.54
1. Individual or Sole Proprietorship.
The individual proprietor is vested with full responsibility for the
management and control of his enterprise. He may delegate certain management
responsibilities to employees as he desires, or voluntarily accept limits
required by others, such as creditors, but the management structure
of the sole proprietorship always remains very flexible.
2. General Partnership. The general
rule of partnership law is that each partner shares equally in management
and in business decisions connected with the partnership business.55
However, the partners may agree to a different allocation of voting
control or management, and the partnership agreement can delegate the
management of the business to one or more managing partners so that
the partnership can attain the advantages of centralized management.
It is important that the parties clearly understand that, absent a provision
in the partnership agreement to the contrary, a majority of the partners
can decide on management decisions for the business. Likewise, if it
is to be a 50 50 partnership there is a built in standoff, and if they
cannot agree they will have to dissolve.
3. Limited Partnership. The general
partners in the limited partnership are vested with management responsibility
and control. As noted above, the limited partner, in order to preserve
his limited liability status, may not participate in management and
control of the enterprise. The limited partnership agreement may provide
certain things that general partners may not do without the consent
of the limited partners,56 but for the
most part, limited partners must remain passive investors. Limited partners
are entitled to inspect the books and to have an accounting of partnership
affairs, and they have the right to be informed on all matters respecting
the business of the firm.57 They may also
participate in certain management decisions and activities.58
4. Limited Liability Company. Limited
liability companies are managed by one or more managers who are elected
annually by a vote of the members.59 Managers
are similar to directors and officers of a corporation and general partners
in a partnership. The managers must be natural persons, 18 years or
older, but do not have to be members of the limited liability company.60
Debts of the limited liability company must be incurred by a manager,
unless otherwise provided in the Articles of Organization or the Operating
Agreement, and all documents affecting real and personal property of
the limited liability company must be executed by one or more managers.61
The managers of a limited liability company are subject to less restrictions
on transactions with their company than are directors of corporations.
A transaction between a limited liability company and a manager is only
limited by the limited liability company's Operating Agreement and the
manager's fiduciary duties.
Many issues regarding management can be defined in the Operating Agreement.
Particularly, the Operating Agreement may contain provisions restricting
the manager's authority, stating the manner in which managers may be
elected, and describing how their duties shall be performed.
5. Business Corporation. The management
and control of a business corporation is vested in the Board of Directors,
the shareholders, and the officers. The incorporators control the enterprise
during the incorporation stage. The Board of Directors, as elected by
the shareholders, is primarily responsible for all management decisions
following incorporation.62 The officers,
who are appointed by the directors, receive delegated duties from the
board, and are responsible for the day-to-day operation of the business.63
The shareholders, who elect the directors, have indirect control through
their voting powers and the statutory requirements that they be consulted
on major corporate changes. Corporate organizations may be very complex,
and the procedures for managing the corporation may be cumbersome. There
is, however, a great flexibility in the corporate management structure.
Shareholders probably have more control over the business affairs of
the corporation than a limited partner has over the partnership, but
they obviously have less managerial control than a general partner or
sole proprietor.
6. Cooperatives. The affairs of a
cooperative shall be managed by a board of not less than three directors
as provided in the articles or bylaws elected by and from the members
of the cooperative.64 The bylaws of a cooperative
shall provide for one or more officers and the titles of those officers.65
Such officers shall be elected by the board or in any other manner prescribed
in the bylaws and have the authority to perform such duties in the management
of the cooperative as may be provided in the bylaws, or as may be determined
by resolution of the board of directors not inconsistent with federal,
state and local law, the articles and the bylaws.66
1. Individual or Sole Proprietorship.
The individual proprietor is limited to his own personal resources and
his ability to obtain loans to capitalize his enterprise. Moreover,
he may have to pledge his personal assets as collateral to secure any
business loans, and the size of the business is thus, as a practical
matter, restricted to the individual proprietor's own resources.
2. General Partnership. Partners'
contributions of cash or property to the partnership constitute the
initial capital invested. Property so contributed becomes partnership
property and is subject to the rules of tenancy in partnership, as discussed
The partnership, like the sole proprietorship, is limited in obtaining
funds from outside sources. In order to borrow money to capitalize the
enterprise, partners may have to pledge their own personal assets as
collateral. However, it is important to remember that even without such
a pledge, the firm's creditors may reach individual assets, subject
to the rule of marshaling of assets.
3. Limited Partnership. Limited partnerships
have capital resources from the contributions of limited partners, very
similar to the capital resources of a corporation gained from its shareholders.
The limited partner risks only his contribution, or his investment.
The partner's contribution to a limited partnership may be made in cash,
property, services rendered, or a promissory note or other obligation
to contribute cash or property or to perform services.67
4. Limited Liability Company. The members
of a limited liability company may contribute cash, property, services
rendered, or a promissory note or other binding obligation to contribute
cash or property or to perform services.68
In this regard, the limited liability company's contributions are as
flexible as those permitted for a limited partnership.
A member is personally liable to the limited liability company to perform
any enforceable promise to contribute cash or property or to perform
services for the limited liability company, unless the obligation to
make such contributions is waived by consent of all of the members or
unless the Operating Agreement provides otherwise.69
Even if the members waive the obligation to make additional contributions,
the member's obligation may be enforceable by a creditor who has extended
credit to the limited liability company in reliance on the member's
obligation to make the contribution.70
5. Business Corporation. The corporation's
ability to attract capital and credit is another strong advantage of
this form of business. The corporate financial structure lends itself
to a wide variety of debt securities, or loans, and equity securities,
or investments by shareholders in the stock of the corporation. The
sale of stock is a relatively easy way to obtain investment in a corporation.
The size of the investment may be very small or very large depending
on the particular needs of the business.
State and federal securities regulations should never be overlooked
when considering the capital and credit requirements of a business corporation
(or any other business enterprise, for that matter). The issuance of
securities to the public may require registration with the state agency
and the Securities and Exchange Commission.
6. Cooperatives. Members of a cooperative
are primarily interested in the benefits they derive as patrons of the
organization. Since benefits in a cooperative are distributed to patrons
on the basis of their use of its services, such benefits do not enhance
the value of shares of stock or provide a return on invested capital.
Hence, members of a cooperative must provide most of its capital either
by direct subscription or by investment of their patronage allocations.
The incentives which cause persons to invest in corporate stocks are
not present in the case of cooperative stock. For this reason the capital
of a cooperative can, for the most part, come only from its member-patrons.
1. Individual or Sole Proprietorship.
The federal and state laws regarding the taxation of a sole proprietorship
may constitute an advantage in some cases. All business income or loss
is treated as the individual's income or loss and taxed accordingly.
The sole proprietor declares this income on a separate schedule (Schedule
C) of his individual tax return and his individual income tax rates
are applied. After the Tax Reform Act of 1986, individual tax rates
are generally lower than corporate rates. If early business losses are
expected, the loss will operate as a shelter for other personal income
of the sole proprietor and will thereby result in direct tax savings.
Individual proprietors may qualify for certain retirement plan type
2. General Partnership. The partnership
itself pays no federal income tax. However, each partner is required
to declare his share of partnership income or loss on his individual
tax return. The partnership is thus treated very much like the sole
proprietorship for tax purposes, with the exception that the income
or loss will be among the partners in their respective proportions rather
than being applied to one person. Profits earned during the year are
applied to the individual incomes of the partners whether they have
been distributed or not. Losses from the business, as they are attributed
personally to the partners, may be offset against other personal income,
subject to limitations for passive activities and other rules.
The sale of a partner's interest in the partnership results in a capital
gain or loss in much the same way that the shareholder's sale of corporate
stock does.
3. Limited Partnership. For the most
part, limited partnerships will be treated like a general partnership
for tax purposes. This is one reason limited partnerships are favored
forms of enterprise to conduct real estate development and operation
of rental property. The deductions available to these enterprises can
be passed directly to the partners and, subject to various limitations,
"shelter" other income from tax.
It is possible that a limited partnership will be considered to be
a corporation for tax purposes whenever the operation of the limited
partnership closely resembles the operation of a corporation. If the
certificate of limited partnership provides for substituted limited
partners; continuity of business despite the death, incapacity, or withdrawal
of a general partner; and centralized management in a few general partners,
the limited partnership may be recharacterized by the Internal Revenue
Service (IRS) and taxed as a corporation.
4. Limited Liability Company. The
IRS has issued Revenue Ruling 88 76, in which it ruled favorably on
the classification of a Wyoming limited liability company to be taxed
as a partnership for federal income tax purposes. Unlike a partnership
none of the members of a limited liability company are personally liable
for debts.71 A limited liability company
may be classified for Federal income tax purposes as a sole proprietorship,
partnership or corporation. If the limited liability company only has
one owner, it will automatically be considered to be a sole proprietorship,
unless an election is made to be treated as a corporation. If a limited
liability company has tow or more owners, it will automatically be considered
to be a partnership, unless an election is made to be treated as a corporation.
If a limited liability company does not elect its classification, a
default classification of partnership (multi-member limited liability
company) or sole proprietorship (single member limited liability company)
will apply.72
5. Business Corporation. As a separate
entity, a corporation is subject to separate tax procedures and rates
by the federal and state authorities. Unlike the sole proprietorship
and partnership, where income is merely funneled to the individuals
who comprise the enterprise, a corporation is separately taxed on its
own income. This causes some advantages and some disadvantages, all
of which must be carefully considered.
Corporate taxation may result in "double taxation." Income
received by the corporation is taxed at the corporate level according
to the corporate rates then in effect. The profit remaining after taxes
is then available to be distributed as dividends, which are taxed again
as personal income to the shareholder. This double taxation is recognized
as a distinct disadvantage of the corporate form, as compared with other
forms of business enterprise. Larger corporations with many shareholders
simply accept the disadvantage, but in smaller, closely held corporations,
double taxation must be minimized. There are several possibilities.
a. Salaries. Whenever
shareholders are officers or employees of the corporation, and this
is frequently the case in smaller organizations, they may be paid
salaries that are deductible as a corporate expense, and thereby be
compensated in a manner other than dividend distributions.
b. Loans. The small
corporation may be structured so that a significant portion of its
capital comes from loans to the business rather than shareholder investment.
Having established sufficient equity capital, the remaining funds
needed for the business may be raised through interest bearing loans;
the interest is deductible to the corporation as an expense. The interest
paid to the creditor is individual income to him, but it substitutes
for dividends and is not subject to double taxation.
c. Subchapter S Election.
The small business corporation may elect not to be taxed at the corporate
level, but to have its income (whether distributed or not) passed
through and taxed pro rata to its shareholders as ordinary income.
This election generally causes the corporation to be taxed as a sole
proprietorship or a partnership. It also takes advantage of potential
losses in the early stages of the business. The following requirements
must be met for a corporation to qualify under the Subchapter S election:
(1) There may be no
more than seventy five (75) shareholders.
(2) Shareholders must
be natural persons, and cannot be another corporation or partnership,
although estates and certain trusts may own shares.
(3) The corporation
may only have one class of stock, and may not be a member of an
affiliated group.
(4) The corporation
cannot have a non resident alien as a shareholder.
(5) The corporation's
foreign income and passive investment income may not exceed certain
All shareholders must consent to the election by signing a separate
statement of consent, which is submitted with the application electing
taxation under Subchapter S.
d. Employee Benefit Plans.
The corporate structure permits the corporation to offer certain benefit
plans to its employees. Qualified stock option plans; qualified pension
and profit sharing plans; and life, health, and accident insurance
plans are all available as corporate benefits.
Qualified profit sharing plans permit a corporate deduction for profits
accumulated for employees under the plan, and the employee is not
taxed until he receives payment. Qualified pension plans are similarly
treated for tax purposes.
Insurance plans may provide a direct economic benefit to employees,
who may also be shareholders. The corporation may deduct the expense
of paying insurance premiums as an ordinary business expense. Hospital,
accident, health, and disability insurance plans may be maintained
by the corporation with very few limitations. Group life insurance,
with a maximum limitation of $50,000 per employee, may be maintained
by the corporation, with the premiums treated as an expense to the
corporation but not taxable to the employee.
e. Conversion of Ordinary Income to
Capital Gains. There are also certain tax disadvantages
and pitfalls in utilizing a corporate form:
(1) If the character
of the income of a partnership or a sole proprietorship is tax exempt,
such income retains its tax exempt status in the returns of the
partners or the individual proprietor. However, if the corporation
form is used, such income does not preserve its tax exempt status
when paid out in the form of salaries or dividends to the shareholders,
although that income is exempted from the corporation's taxable
income. Similarly, a dividend traceable to the capital gains income
of a corporation is, nevertheless, ordinary income to the shareholders
(except in the case of a Subchapter S corporation).
(2) The liquidation
of a corporation is normally a taxable event, unlike a similar situation
in a partnership or a proprietorship. Moreover, sale of stock or
liquidation at a loss may only give the shareholder a capital loss,
whereas there is an ordinary loss upon the abandonment of a sole
proprietorship or a partnership. The same is true if stock becomes
worthless before it is sold. This disadvantage can be avoided in
the small business by utilizing Section 1244 of the Internal Revenue
(3) The Internal Revenue
Code places a penalty tax on a corporation's earnings accumulated
beyond the reasonable needs of the corporation. This tax, called
the accumulated earnings tax, is on earnings accumulated for the
purpose of avoiding income taxes on the shareholders. The tax is
aimed at forcing corporations to pay out taxable dividends. However,
for the small corporation it may well not be a problem, as a surplus
of $150,000 or $250,000 can be accumulated without incurring this
(4) Salaries are only
deductible by the corporation if they are reasonable in amount.74
Consequently, the excessive portion of a salary paid to a shareholder
employee will be disallowed as a deduction by the corporation, while
the shareholder-employee will be taxed on the full amount received
as either salary or dividend income.
(5) The personal holding
company income tax on corporations may be imposed. Generally speaking,
when a large portion of the income of a corporation is to be derived
from personal holding company sources (i.e., passive or non operating
sources), the corporation (unless exempted) may be subject to a
50 percent tax on the undistributed income of a personal holding
company. Such corporations are not subject to the accumulated earnings
tax. Personal holding company income is defined in the Internal
Revenue Code to include dividends; interest; annuities; amounts
received from personal service contracts; rents; and mineral, gas,
and oil royalties.75 Speaking broadly,
a corporation will be classified as a personal holding company if
more than 50 percent in value of its outstanding stock is owned
by not more than five individuals and if at least 60 percent of
adjusted ordinary gross income is personal holding company income.
The provisions of the Internal Revenue Code and regulations must
be carefully examined if the income of the business is likely to
be of this passive nature. If upon analysis it is concluded that
the tax may be applicable if the corporate form is used, a sole
proprietorship or a partnership may be considered more favorable.
6. Cooperatives. Cooperative's income
and expenses for income tax purposes are computed in the same manner
as those of other business corporations. However, because they are cooperatives
operating under strict rules prescribed by law, they may deduct from
gross income certain patronage allocations.
The requirements surrounding these allocations by cooperatives and
their distribution to patrons are set out in subchapter T of the Internal
Revenue Code.76 By and large what a cooperative
can do with patronage allocations taxwise depends upon how the patrons
have consented to be taxed.
Patronage allocations can be used to reduce a cooperatives taxable
income because they are not to be taken into account in determining
the taxable income of a cooperative if paid in money, qualified written
notices of allocation or other property. The amounts thus not taken
into account by the cooperative and therefore not taxable to it, must
be included in the income of the patron for tax purposes, if the amounts
arise from the business activity of the patron.
If these conditions are not met, the patronage allocations are "nonqualified"
and must be include in the cooperative's taxable income for the year
issued. The patron need not include nonqualified allocations in income
until redeemed, sold or otherwise disposed of.
Operating on a cooperative basis is essential to tax treatment under
subchapter T. Not all arrangements or operating practices satisfy the
requirement, for example non-member dividends. In such instances the
cooperative is taxed in the same manner as a C corporation since the
distributions are not allocated out.
Individuals proposing a new venture will have one or more specific requirements
that will determine the business form to be utilized and may choose from
a variety of business forms.
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